Course: Media and Communication Methodology (MKVN04)

15 credits

The study of media, communication and culture has a rich tradition in various methodological positions in the social sciences and humanities. This course critically evaluates established methodological perspectives on research methods in the study of media in society and culture.  The course is structured according to a critical reading of dominant methodological and epistemological perspectives of research methods within social science. This is done from the perspective of a pragmatist and phronetic philosophy of social science, which emphasizes questions of how, why and to whom media and communication studies matter. The overall aim of this course is to problematize and evaluate the significance of media and communication research for individuals, society and culture. More information about this 15 credit course (such as schedule and reading list) can be found in the middle of December.


Fredrik Miegel
Associate Professor
+46 (0)46 222 89 94
Room SOL A209a

Magnus Andersson
Associate Professor
+46 (0)46 222 34 82
Room SOL A208
Sidansvarig: michael.rubsamenkom.luse | 2019-12-06