
Preliminary Programme International Symposium Media Mixing

Bishop’s House, Thursday March 14th 2019

8.30am Registration and Coffee 9.00am Introduction and Welcome Annette Hill - Lund University, Sweden 9.15am Keynote: Re-mixing Memories (Chair Annette Hill)
Anna Reading (King’s College London, UK) – (Re) Mixing (de) Humanisation: Migration Storytelling
across Art and Media 10.00am Coffee 10.30am Keynote Panel: News Mixing (Chair Raymond Boyle)
Simon Dawes (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France) - #Je (Ne) Suis (Pas)
Charlie: Hashtags, memes and mundane media participation
Joke Hermes (Inholland University, Netherlands) - Mixing Media, Checking Messages: Television
news and the quest for trust and authority 12.00am Lunch 1.00pm Open Parallel Panels
Selected presentations from open call for papers in parallel panels 2.15pm Coffee 2.45pm Open Parallel Panels
Selected presentations from open call for papers in parallel panels 4.00pm Keynote Panel: Creative mixing (Chair Anna Reading)
Jane Roscoe (University of West of England, UK) - Media Mixers: Creative producers as the DJ’s
of creative industries
Kristian Møller (IT University, Denmark) - On Mixing Representational, Infrastructural and User
Analysis: The case of DIY chemsex porn and the masturbation event
Annette Hill (Lund University, Sweden) – Audiences Assemble 6.00pm Conference Ends – drinks at Bishop’s House 7.00pm Conference Dinner - Govindas vegetarian restaurant
Sidansvarig:  | 2019-10-28