We regularly publish our research with international publishers such as Routledge, Sage, Polity, and Cambridge University Press. During 2014-2018 we have published over 100 peer reviewed outputs, which included 5 books (3 single authored research monographs), 10 edited collections (books and special issues of journals), 3 doctoral theses, 8 reports, 69 book chapters (national/international collections), and 30 peer reviewed journal articles, e.g. European Journal of Communication, International Journal of Cultural Studies, Javnost, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, New Media and Society. We place a premium on research monographs, edited collections, book chapters in anthologies, and journal articles. We value single authored and co-authored works that make theoretical and empirical contributions in the field, connecting with the LU Strategy of promoting high quality research.
Publication Highlights
- 2014: 4 peer reviewed journal articles, 1 edited collection Reclaiming the Public Sphere (Askanius, Macmillan), and 1 textbook Kvinnor och Män i Offentlighetens ljus (Jarlbro and Hammarlin, Studentlitteratur);
- 2015: 7 peer reviewed journal articles, 2 single authored research monographs, including Reality TV (Hill, Routledge), 1 edited collection;
- 2016: 7 peer reviewed journal articles, 2 doctoral theses (Doona, monograph; Holmberg, compilation), 1 anthology, 1 edited collection;
- 2017: 6 peer reviewed journal articles, 1 doctoral thesis (Martinez, compilation), 2 edited collections, including MKV textbook Sociala medier – vetenskapliga perspektiv (ed. Olsson, Gleerups);
- 2018: 6 peer reviewed journal articles, 1 single authored book monograph Media Experiences (Hill, Routledge), 1 edited collection, and 16 book chapters;
- 2019-20: over 10 journal articles/book chapters in international journals and edited collections, 1 book monograph Exposed: Living with Scandal Rumour and Gossip (Hammarlin, Manchester University Press), and 3 special journal issues on themes of Fear (European Journal of Cultural Studies), Transgression (International Journal of Cultural Studies), and Media Freedom (Javnost).
Select Publications
Complete List of Publications
Böcker (5 av 40 st)
- Duru, D. N. (2024). Conviviality in Burgaz : Living, Loving and Fighting on a Diverse Island in Istanbul. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Jönsson, L.-E. & Hammarlin, M.-M. (2023). Kungar, sex och skandaler : En studie av skvaller och journalistik. Makadam förlag.
- Thelandersson, F. (2023). 21st Century Media and Female Mental Health : Profitable Vulnerability and Sad Girl Culture. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Rübsamen, M. (2022). Om Kändisjournalistik. Lund Studies in Media and Communication. Lund University. Doktorsavhandling.
- Doona, J. (2022). Det politiska skrattet : Satir och medborgarskap. Studentlitteratur AB.
- Visa samtliga böcker (totalt 40 st)
Redaktörskap (5 av 31 st)
- Borin, L., Hammarlin, M.-M., Kokkinakis, D. & Miegel, F. (2024). (Red.) Vaccine Hesitancy in the Nordic Countries : Trust and Distrust During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Routledge.
- Bossetta, M. (2024). (Red.) Excellent MSc Dissertations 2023. Förtjänstfulla examensarbeten i MKV, 2023. Media and Communicatons Studies, Lund University.
- Cronqvist, M., Mohammadi Norén, F. & Stjernholm, E. (2024). (Red.) Media Tactics in the Long Twentieth Century. Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics. Routledge.
- R. Carreras, M., Leth-Espensen, M., Lindström, L., Linné, T., Song Lopez, G. & Yndal-Olsen, N. (2024). (Red.) Reimagining Species Relations : A Decade of Studying and Teaching Critical Animal Studies at Lund University. The Lund Critical Animal Studies Collection, 1. Lund University (Media-Tryck).
- Bossetta, M. (2023). (Red.) Excellent MSc Dissertations 2022. Förtjänstfulla examensarbeten i MKV, 2022. Media and Communicatons Studies, Lund University.
- Visa samtliga redaktörskap (totalt 31 st)
Artiklar (5 av 131 st)
- Boulianne, S., Hoffman, C. & Bossetta, M. (2024). Social media platforms for politics : A comparison of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Snapchat, and WhatsApp. New Media & Society, 1-32. SAGE Publications.
- Lundqvist, M. (2024). A gathering with fire : Exploring the audience reception of internet memes about Belfast riots. Media, Culture and Society, 46, 706-724. SAGE Publications.
- Stjernholm, E. (2024). Authorship, activism and creative struggles : Peter Watkins’ The Journey revisited. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema. Intellect Ltd..
- Bossetta, M. & Schmøkel, R. (2023). Cross-Platform Emotions and Audience Engagement in Social Media Political Campaigning : Comparing Candidates’ Facebook and Instagram Images in the 2020 US Election. Political Communication, 40, 48-68. Taylor & Francis.
- Bossetta, M., Dutceac Segesten, A. & Bonacci, D. (2023). Reconceptualizing Cross-Cutting Political Expression on Social Media : A Case Study of Facebook Comments During the 2016 Brexit Referendum. Political Communication, 40, 719-741. Taylor & Francis.
- Visa samtliga artiklar (totalt 131 st)
Bokkapitel (5 av 191 st)
- Bossetta, M. (2024). Antisemitismus auf social media und anderen online-plattformen : Ausmaß und kontext. I Hübscher, M. & von Mering, S. (Red.) Antisemitismus in den Sozialen Medien (pp. 311-329). Verlag Barbara Budrich.
- Cronqvist, M., Mohammadi Norén, F. & Stjernholm, E. (2024). Introduction : Towards a History of Media Tactics. I Cronqvist, M., Mohammadi Norén, F. & Stjernholm, E. (Red.) Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics, Media Tactics in the Long Twentieth Century (pp. 1-15). Routledge.
- Doona, J. (2024). “Read the room Sweden” : Memes, trust, and vulnerability in pandemic engagement. I Borin, L., Hammarlin, M.-M., Kokkinakis, D. & Miegel, F. (Red.) Vaccine Hesitancy in the Nordic Countries : Trust and Distrust During the COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 68-85). Routledge.
- Lundqvist, M. (2024). Memetic Social Resilience? : Analysing Memes about Political Violence in Present-Day Belfast, Northern Ireland. I Schafer, V. & Pailler, F. (Red.) Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics, Online Virality : Spread and Influence (pp. 173-188), 9. De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
- Stjernholm, E. (2024). Window Tactics : Entangled Visual Propaganda in Neutral Sweden, 1939–1945. I Cronqvist, M., Mohammadi Norén, F. & Stjernholm, E. (Red.) Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics, Media Tactics in the Long Twentieth Century (pp. 188-203). Routledge.
- Visa samtliga bokkapitel (totalt 191 st)
Förord (2 av 2 st)
- Cronqvist, M., Mohammadi Norén, F. & Stjernholm, E. (2024). Afterword : Towards a Tactical Turn?. I Cronqvist, M., Mohammadi Norén, F. & Stjernholm, E. (Red.) Media Tactics in the Long Twentieth Century (pp. 259-261). Routledge.
- Hill, A., Hartmann, M. & Andersson, M. (2021). Introduction : Mobile socialities. The Routledge Handbook of Mobile Socialities, 1-15. Taylor & Francis.
Encyklopediartiklar (2 av 2 st)
- Bossetta, M. (2022). Gamification in Politics. I Ceron, A. (Red.) Elgar Encyclopedias in the Social Sciences series, Elgar Encyclopedia of Technology and Politics (pp. 304-308). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Stjernholm, E. (2021). Erwin Leiser. Svensk Filmdatabas. Svenska Filminstitutet.
Konferensbidrag (5 av 129 st)
- Andersson, M. (2023). Geography at work : Practices, technologies, imaginaries.
- Hammarlin, M.-M. & Ulver, S. (2023). Dystopian Marketplace: Exploring the Monetization of Conspiracy Culture.
- Johansson, M. (2023). “My goal is to have zero” : Parenting, screen time and moral imaginaries.
- Kokkinakis, D., Bruinsma, B. & Hammarlin, M. M. (2023). The Prevalence of mRNA Related Discussions during the Post-COVID-19 Era. I Hagglund, M., Blusi, M., Bonacina, S., Nilsson, L., Madsen, I. C., Pelayo, S., Moen, A., Benis, A., Lindskold, L. & Gallos, P. (Red.) Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Caring is Sharing - Exploiting the Value in Data for Health and Innovation - Proceedings of MIE 2023 (pp. 798-802), 302. IOS Press.
- Rübsamen, M. & Doona, J. (2023). Engagement as performance : Implications and challenges of studying reaction media.
- Visa samtliga konferensbidrag (totalt 129 st)
Rapporter (5 av 46 st)
- Sandberg, H., Sjöberg, U. & Sundin, E. (2024). Små barns digitala vardagsliv : Barndom, föräldraskap och modernt familjeliv. Institutionen för kommunikation och medier, Lunds universitet.
- Gillen, J., Matsumoto, M., Aliagas, C., Bar-lev, Y., Clark, A., Flewitt, R., Jorge, A., Kumpulainen, K., Morgada, M., Pacheco, R., Poveda, D., Sandberg, H., Sairanen, H., Scott, F., Sjöberg, U., Sundin, E., Tigane, I. & Tomé, V. (2018). A Day in the Digital Lives of Children Aged 0-3 : Full report.
- Sandberg, H., Gillen, J., Aliagas, C., Bar-lev, Y., Jorge, A., Kumpulainen, K., Marsh, J., Matsumoto, M., Morgade, M., Pachedo, R., Poveda, D., Sairanen, H., Scott, F., Sjöberg, U., Sundin, E., Tigane, I. & Tomé, V. (2018). A Day in the Digital Lives of Children aged 0-3 : Summary report by DigiLitEY ISCH COST Action IS1410 Working Group 1 “Digital literacy in homes and communities". COST European cooperation in science and technology.
- Ólafsdóttir, S., Marniemi, A., Andersen, M. C., Berg, C., Prell, H., Sandberg, H. & Jewell, J. (2017). A joint Nordic monitoring protocol for marketing of foods and beverages high in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) towards children and young people. I Helleve, A. (Red.) Norwegian Public Health Agency.
- Sandberg, H. (2017). Hälsokommunikation i det nya medielandskapet : Kartläggning av internationell och svensk forskning 2010-2016. Folkhälsomyndigheten.
- Visa samtliga rapporter (totalt 46 st)
Working papers (2 av 2 st)
- Sandberg, H. (1999). Folkhälsoupplysning genom tiderna. Working paper. Avdelningen för medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, Lunds universitet.
- Simonsson, C., Hjorth, M., Sandberg, H. & Thelander, ?. (1998). Möten på fältet. Kvalitativ metod i teori och praktik. Lund University.
Recensioner (5 av 13 st)
- Thelandersson, F. (2022). Screen Love : Queer Intimacies in the Grindr Era. Information and Culture, 57. University of Texas Press.
- Habibi, Z. (2018). Islamic Modernities in Southeast Asia. Exploring Indonesian Popular and Visual Culture, by Leonie Schmidt. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 174, 538-541. Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde.
- Hammarlin, M.-M. (2018). Hur föreställningen om rätten till ett privatliv utvecklades. Respons, 5. Tidskriften Respons.
- Olsson, T. (2016). Social Media and New Forms for Civic Participation. New Media and Society, 18, 2242-2248. SAGE Publications.
- Rübsamen, M. (2016). Celebrity Capital : Assessing the Value of Fame by Barrie Gunter, London, Bloomsbury, 2014, 248 pp, £ 14.25 (pbk), ISBN: 978-1-62892-773-3. Celebrity Studies, 7, 131-133. Routledge.
- Visa samtliga recensioner (totalt 13 st)
Artiklar i facktidskrifter och populärpress (4 av 4 st)
- Hammarlin, M.-M. (2023). I bonded with COVID vaccine sceptics over saunas and Mother Earth rituals – this is what they taught me. The Conversation.
- Linné, T. (2023). Rats are more human than you think : - and they certainly like being around us. The Conversation.
- Gambert, I. & Linné, T. (2018). How the alt-right uses milk to promote white supremacy. The Conversation.
- Viscovi, D., Olsson, T. & Samuelsson, U. (2017). Var femte äldre står utan digital teknik. Äldre i Centrum, 54-58. Stiftelsen Stockholms läns äldrecentrum.
Tidningsartiklar (5 av 13 st)
- Jönsson, L.-E. & Hammarlin, M.-M. (2023). Kungen – inte blev vi klokare på honom i år heller. Helsingborgs Dagblad. Helsingborgs Dagblad AB, Helsingborgs Dagblad.
- Moberg, C., Corvellec, H., Lindroth, A., Isacson, M., Nilsson, L., Nicholas, K., Björck, S., Lee, J., Gerle, E., Caretta, M. A., Galafassi, D., Hornborg, A., Ullström, S., Olsson, L., Jerneck, A., Koch, M., Roldin, P., Sunesson, S., Kritzberg, E., Hammarlund, D., Wamsler, C., Krause, T., Tyler, T., Malmqvist, E., Osberg, G., Reindl, K., Lefstad, L., Björnerås, C., De Rosa, S. P., Koglin, T., Bjermo, T., Isaxon, C., Isgren, E., Richter, J. L., Johansson, E., Jarenmark, M., Friberg, J., Wårlind, D., Jack, T., Holmberg, K., Bergman Rosamond, A., Vogl, V., Olofsson, J., Magalhaes Teixeira, B., Palm, E., Algers, J., Gjerløv Fiig, N. A., Ramasar, V., Lopez de Lapuente Portilla, A., Khan, J., Palm, J., Haraldsson, J., Barmark, M., Stroh, E., Filipsson, H. L., Sernhed, K., Wengelin, M., Bauer, F., Persson, T., Brandstedt, E., Mccormick, K., Carton, W., Stattin, S., Gren, N., Nikoleris, A., Wickenberg, P., Garson, K., Zackari, K., Droste, N., Gunnemyr, M., Hansson, L.-A., Lantz, E., Sternudd, C., Ekström, H., Jonsson, A., Dahlner, A., Sörgärde, N., Alcer, D., Rennstam, J., Gabrielsson, S., Ottosson, M., Eklundh, L., Andersson, M., Schwarz, J., Tilsted, J. P., Kiss, B., Halldenius, L., Knaggård, ?., Persson, A., Kolte, O., Lindh, L., Chertkovskaya, E., Hultman, M., Thånell, K., Manners, I., Kristensson, A., Nieradzik, L., Lundberg, A., Cronberg, N., Rydhe, E., Klemmensen, R., Herlitz, A., Perrey, H., Pugh, R., Björkdahl, A., Lundberg, T., Mårsell, E., Samper, J. A., Sandström, I., Ståhl, L.-H., Prentice, H. C., Carlson, S., Andréasson, P.-G., Liljas, A., Zalar, A., Fridlund, P., Sporre, M., Löndahl, J., Björling, F., Kalm, S., Barinaga, E., Mulinari, S., Mulinari, D., Lindqvist, A., Vestberg, S., Claréus, B., Boije af Gennäs Erre, E., Viborg, G., Nilsson, K., Tagesson, A., Brogaard, S., Davidson, P., Harrie, L., Elvén Eriksson, H., Hickmann, T., Fauré, E., Wullenkord, M., Giertz, A., Germundsson, T., Nilsson, F. L., Montesino, N., Sjöström, C., Pettersson, G., Alkan Olsson, J., Cardeña, E., Mottaghi, M., Sundkvist, E., Tellhed, U., Mundaca, L., Lindström, L., Sörensen, J., Mobini, S., Hederström, V., Becker, P., Klysing, A., Mattisson, K., Svensson, J., Svenbro, M., Hanson, H., Oudin, A., Flanagan, E., Takman, M., Ritthammer, S., Månefjord, J., Sonander, A., Nafstad, I., Sjöström, P., Dietler, D., Hassel, H., Käll, J., Akselsson, R., Bohgard, M., Ingvarson, J., Steen, K., Cedergren, A., Nordbeck, P., Davidsson, S., Angelöw, A., Ahrné, S., Lantto, R., Psouni, E., Nicoson, C., Jeppsson, B., Côte, M., Alvesson, M., Leo Sandberg, E., Möllergren, G., Karlsson, D., Bäckman, J., Angelopulos Baroutsis, N., Alenius Wallin, L., Lundell, E., Stedt, J., Forsberg, K., Gnewski, M., Larsson, M., Grillitsch, M., Takedomi Karlsson, M., Månefjord, H., Giese, L., Betsholtz, A., Wrisberg, A., Söderlind, M., Vilhelmsson, A. & Stedt, K. (2022). De unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten. Aftonbladet. Aftonbladet Hierta AB.
- Stjernholm, E. (2022). Folkhemsreklam på bästa sändningstid. Svenska Dagbladet, - Under strecket. Svenska Dagbladet.
- Stjernholm, E. (2022). Hur står det till med energisparsamvetet?. Svenska Dagbladet, - Under strecket. Svenska Dagbladet.
- Dutceac Segesten, A., Olsson, E. J., Bossetta, M., Bruhn, T., Bäck, H., Gustafsson, N., Holmberg, N., Klintman, M., Ledendal, J., Morreau, M. & Topp, E. A. (2021). Risken för ökad polarisering måste tas på allvar. Göteborgs-Posten. Tidningsaktiebolaget Stampen.
- Visa samtliga tidningsartiklar (totalt 13 st)
Övrigt (5 av 7 st)
- R. Carreras, M., Leth-Espensen, M., Lindström, L., Linné, T., Song Lopez, G. & Yndal-Olsen, N. (2024). Annual report (2023): Lund University Critical Animal Studies Network.
- Bossetta, M. (2021). Emotion Classification in Images Using Amazon's Rekognition API. Sage Research Methods.
- Norocel, O. C., Sandberg, H. & Wallin, A. (2021). Imbalanced Agendas: Search engines still in the shadows in Sweden : Is digital literacy on the agenda in Sweden?.
- Sandberg, H. (2021). Algorithmic Recommendation System and Memetic Cultural production. In Search of Search (& its Engines). Lund University.
- Schmøkel, R. & Bossetta, M. (2021). FBAdLibrarian.
- Visa samtliga övrigt (totalt 7 st)